Clinical Study

MicroRNA Expression Profile in CAD Patients and the Impact of ACEI/ARB

Figure 1

Volcano plot of all pairwise comparisons. Comparisons of all small RNAs assessed in microarray analysis of RNA isolated from blood of patients with CAD ( 𝑛 = 5 ) or healthy volunteers ( 𝑛 = 5 ). The volcano plot displays the relationship between fold-change and significance between the two groups, using a scatter plot view. The y-axis is the negative log10 of P values (a higher value indicates greater significance) and the x-axis is the difference in expression between two experimental groups as measured in glog2 space. Probes identified as significant are labeled on the plot (FDR t-test <0.05). Subsequent to this analysis, miR-1308 has been removed from the Sanger database because it is a fragment of a tRNA.