Clinical Study

Increased Left Ventricular Stiffness Impairs Exercise Capacity in Patients with Heart Failure Symptoms Despite Normal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

Table 1

Patient Characteristics (variable expressed as median [25–75% quartile]).

Patient population
( 𝑛 = 3 9 )
( 𝑛 = 2 7 )
( 𝑛 = 1 2 )

 Men, n (%)16 (41)11 (41)5 (42).957
 Age, y50 [38–60]54 [41–60]41 [36–52].113
 BMI, kg/m224 [22–32]25 [22–33]23 [21–28].083
 NYHA class II/III, n (%)21/1810 (36)/17 (63)11 (92)/1 (8)

Concomitant disease
 Art. hypertension, n (%)15 (38)13 (48)2 (17).062
 Diabetes mellitus, n (%)6 (15)5 (19)1 (8).416
 Obesity, n (%)12 (31)10 (37)2 (17).203
 Hyperlipoproteinemia, n (%)9 (23)7 (26)2 (17).526
 Smoker, n (%)7 (18)5 (19)2 (17).889

Heart dimensions
 LA, mm34 [31–38]34 [30–40]35 [32–36].882
 LVEDD, mm48 [45–52]48 [45–52]48 [46–51].708
 Septum, mm10 [10-11]10 [10–13]10 [9–11].155
 Posterior wall, mm10 [9–11]11 [9–13]10 [9–11].076
 LV mass, g173 [140–225]173 [125–225]172 [145–200].503
 LVMI, g/m296 [76–105]96 [74–117]91 [75–97].281

BMI indicates body mass index, NYHA New York Heart Association class, LA left atrial parasternal diameter, LVEDD LV end-diastolic diameter, and LVMI LV mass index.