Research Article

Mean Platelet Volume in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Its Relationship with Simpler Heart Rate Derivatives

Table 4

Independent predictors of mean platelet volume in univariate and multivariate linear regression analysis in OSA groups.

VariablesUnstandardized value95% confidence interval

Age−0.3170.752From −0.020 to 0.015
Body mass index−0.6500.518From −0.047 to 0.024
Fasting glucose−1.2190.227From −0.055 to 0.013
Hemoglobin−0.0650.559From −0.200 to 0.019
RDW0.8080.421From −.083 to 0.196
Fibrinogen−0.0900.546From −0.002 to 0.005
Platelet count−2.2800.025From −0.008 to 0.000
Neutrophil3.328−0.482From −0.012 to 0.007
Lymphocyte0.3730.710From −0.028 to 0.041
Neutrophil/lymphocyte−1.4150.161From −0.436 to 0.074
C reactive protein−0.4000.690From −0.026 to 0.017
Tryglyceride0.5950.554From −0.004 to 0.002
LDL-cholesterol−0.7400.461From −0.008 to 0.004
HDL-cholesterol−0.8070.423From −0.027 to 0.012
Min. HR-PSG−1.1570.251From −0.038 to 0.010
Max. HR-PSG0.2650.058From 000 to 0.022
Min. HR–Max. HR-PSG1.0970.276From −0.05 to 0.018
Mean HR−0.8820.380From −0.36 to 0.014
HRPI-PSG0.2730.013From 0.143 to 1.172
Apnea hypopnea index−0.9680.336From −0.014 to 0.005
Duration of OSA−1.2190.227From −0.055 to 0.013
SaO2 < 90%, PRTS2.510.014From 0.681 to 5.81

Platelet count−2.1900.034From −0.008 to −0.001
SaO2 < 90%, PRTS2.110.038From 0.167 to 5.69
Max. HR0.2030.840From −0.023 to 0.028
Min. HR–Max. HR-PSG−0.0900.929From −0.035 to 0.032
HRPI-PSG0.2340.396From −0.797 to 1.978

Abbreviations: Min: minimum; Max: maximum; HRPI-PSG; heart rate performance index-polysomnography; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea; PRTS: percentage of recording time spent; SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation; RDW: red blood cell distribution width.