Research Article

Incidence and Factors Predicting Skin Burns at the Site of Indifferent Electrode during Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Table 2

Comparisons for quantitative variables between the cases (burn patients) and the controls1.

Cases (%)Controls (%) value

BMI36.6 (27.7–65.0)30.6 (17.6–52.6)0.044
Procedure time (min)224.5 (63–332)122.5 (23–357)0.035
Maximum temperature (°C)55.0 (50.0–65.0)50.0 (40.0–70.0)0.078
Maximum current (watts)60.0 (35.0–70.0)50.0 (35.0–100.0)0.325

BMI: body mass index.
1The one-tailed Mann-Whitney U test was used for the analyses.