Research Article

Pediatric Heart Failure, Lagging, and Sagging of Care in Low Income Settings: A Hospital Based Review of Cases in Ethiopia

Table 2

Predictors of mortality based on outcome; childhood heart failure at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016.

variableOutcome value

Mean age at presentation in years5.99.40.001
Mean duration of symptoms (days)
Mean duration of hospital stay (days)16.724.80.05
Mean weight (Kg)16.420.50.02
LV ejection fraction% (mean)
Mean hemoglobin level (gm/dl)8.710.30.01
Mean furosemide dose in mg/kg1.11.00.97
Mean digoxin dose/kg0.0060.0070.36
Mean spironolactone dose/kg0.90.90.70
Mean dose of captopril/kg0.40.40.35