Research Article

Thymoquinone Ameliorates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Swiss Albino Mice by Modulating Oxidative Damage and Cellular Inflammation

Table 2

The effect of thymoquinone on antioxidant enzymes in doxorubicin-mediated cardiotoxicity in the mice.

Groups and treatmentsCAT (nmole of H2O2 consumed/min/mg/protein)SOD (nmol epinephrine protected from oxidation/min/mg protein)GPx (nmol NADPH oxidized/min/mg/protein)GR (nmol NADPH oxidized/min/mg protein)GST (nmol CDNB conjugate/min/mg protein)

Group A (control)35.93 ± 2.412.51 ± 1.56160.05 ± 3.10415.89 ± 1.34159.79 ± 4.56
Group B (DOX)15.34 ± 2.605.29 ± 1.7883.94 ± 3.72217.38 ± 2.3480.26 ± 4.21
Group C (DOX + Q10)38.23 ± 2.308.45 ± 1.58115.34 ± 2.14384.13 ± 2.13120.46 ± 3.54
Group D (DOX + TQ-20)34.45 ± 2.1110.34 ± 1.36143.67 ± 2.13420.22 ± 1.65159.87 ± 2.45
Group E TQ-2030.23 ± 1.2313.56 ± 2.10167.45 ± 1.46428.00 ± 1.34156.08 ± 2.33

Each value is the mean of six replicates with standard deviation; , , and were significant when compared to normal control (Group A) and toxic control (Group-B) by performing Tukey–Kramer test.