Research Article

Predictors of Unfavorable Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Concomitant Heart Failure with Different Ejection Fractions: RIF-CHF Register One-Year Follow-Up

Table 4

Medications for AF and CHF in studied groups.

ParametersTotal cohort ()AF-HFpEF ()AF-HFmEF EF ()AF-HFrEF () level

Treatment strategy for AF
Rhythm control339 (33.8%)157 (40.6%)52 (34.7%)130 (27.9%)<0.001
Rate control664 (66.2%)230 (59.4%)98 (65.3%)336 (72.1%)
Rational therapy of CHF396 (39.5%)106 (27.4%)78 (52%)212 (45.5%)<0.001
Beta-blocker830 (82.8%)301 (77.8%)136 (90.7%)393 (84.3%)<0.001
Antiarrhythmic255 (25.4%)123 (31.8%)37 (24.7%)95 (20.4%)<0.001
RAS antagonist218 (21.7%)116 (30%)27 (18%)75 (16.1%)<0.001
Aldosterone blocker642 (64%)164 (42.4%)116 (77.3%)362 (77.7%)<0.001
Statin606 (60.4%)252 (65.1%)89 (59.3%)265 (56.9%)0.046
Diuretic883 (88%)332 (85.8%)131 (87.3%)420 (90.1%)0.137
Digoxin360 (35.9%)101 (26.1%)53 (35.3%)206 (44.2%)<0.001
Oral anticoagulant (warfarin or/and NOAC)688 (68.6%)274 (70.8%)119 (79.3%)295 (63.3%)<0.001
Warfarin403 (40.2%)157 (40.6%)66 (44%)180 (38.6%)0.491
NOAC335 (33.4%)140 (36.2%)55 (36.7%)140 (30%)0.107
Oral antiplatelet, total466 (46.5%)177 (45.7%)61 (40.7%)228 (48.9%)0.200