Research Article

The Mechanism and Management of Adverse Cardiac Reactions Induced by Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Therapy

Table 1

Management of cardiovascular irAEs in patients treated with ICIs [28].

Grading                                    Management method

G1, abnormal detection of cardiac biomarkers, including abnormal ECG
G2,  abnormal screening with mild symptoms
G3, moderate abnormal test or mild activity symptoms
G4, moderate to severe decompensation, requiring intravenous medication or intervention, life-threatening condition
Patients of all levels should consider the possibility of heart damage and conduct examinations and interventions, mainly considering the following points:
(i) Suspend or terminate ICIs treatment above G1 level
(ii) Use of high-dose corticosteroids (prednisone 1-2 mg/kg) (oral or intravenous depending on symptoms)
(iii) Manage cardiac symptoms according to ACC/AHA guidelines and under the guidance of cardiology
(iv) Patients with elevated troponin or abnormal conduction are immediately transferred to the coronary care unit
In patients who do not respond immediately to high-dose corticosteroids, consider an early heart transplant rejection dose of corticosteroids (methylprednisolone 1g per day), plus mycophenolate, infliximab, or antithymus cytoglobulin