Research Article

Impact of Prone Position on 12-Lead Electrocardiogram in Healthy Adults: A Comparison Study with Standard Electrocardiogram

Table 3

Effect of prone position on QRS morphology and T wave polarity in precordial leads.

Precordial leadsSupine position ECGProne position ECG

V1QRS morphologyRS in 77.5% of casesQR in 72.5% of cases
T wave polarityNegative in 70% of casesNegative in 95% cases

V2QRS morphologyRS in 70% of casesQR in 90% of cases
T wave polarityPositive in 95% of casesNegative in 47.5% cases

V3QRS morphologyRS in 52% of casesQR in 100 of cases
T wave polarityPositive in 95% of casesNegative in 95% of cases

Data are expressed as percentages. Statistical significance of differences calculated using the Pearson’s chi-square (χ2) test.