Research Article

A DE-Based Scatter Search for Global Optimization Problems

Algorithm 1

Canonical scatter search.
(1)   Begin
(2) Use the Diversification generation method to create a population.
(3) Use the Improvement method to enhance the population, and set to be the best solution found so far.
(4) Use the Reference update method to build the initial reference set .
(5)  while (the termination criterion is not reached) do
(6)  Generate subsets from using the Subset generation method.
(7) Combine each subset into a new solution using the Solution combination method.
(8) Use the Improvement method to enhance each combined solution, and update .
(9) Update the reference set based on the union of the current reference set and the new combined
   solutions using the Reference update method.
(10) end while
(11)Report the best solution .
(12) End