Research Article

A Study on the Enhanced Best Performance Algorithm for the Just-in-Time Scheduling Problem

Algorithm 2

Tabu Search.
(1)     Initialize to be the initial tour
(3)Evaluate the fitness of
(4)Set (the fitness of ) =
(5)Set the size of the Tabu List, that is,
(6)Set the size of the Candidate List, that is,
(7)Initiate the Tabu List and the Candidate List i.e.
(8)for   to   do
(8.1) = Generate_New_Candidate_List
(8.2) = Find_Best_Candidate(
(8.3) = Determine_Fitness
(8.4) if   better then   then
   (8.4.1) =
   (8.4.2) =
   (8.4.3) Update with
(8.5) else
   (8.5.1) if Intensification_Criterion_Met() then
    ( = Reset_Current()
   (8.5.2) end if
(8.6) end if
(9)end for
(10) return