Research Article

Research on the Development Approach for Reusable Model in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

Algorithm 2

Header file structure of the radar model.
*Radar Header file
*@Function: to detect the target
*@InvocationTime: invoked periodically
*@Instruction: A simplified Radar model under the Reusable Component Model Framework.
#include <iostream>
#define Pai 3.14
#define e 2.7183
using namespace std;
namespace YHSim
 //@struct_TargetInf Namespace:YHSim;Instruction:struct of orientation
 struct TargetInf {
   … //struct members
   … //other user_defined dataTypes
 class Radar {
   //@model_member_radarName IsStateVariable:No;Instruction:radar name
   string radarName;
   Velocity * targetVelocity;
   //Default initialize function without any parameter
   int Initialize();
   //@initialize_PerformancePara_Pointer Corresponding:performancePara;Instruction:init
   int Initialize(PerformancePara * performancePara);
   //@initialize_DdeploymentInf_Pointer Corresponding:xxx;Instruction:xxx
   int Initialize(DdeploymentInf * deploymentInf);
   //@input_EchoSignal_Pointer Corresponding:xxx;Instruction:xxx
   int SetInputData(EchoSignal * echoSignal);
   //@output_TargetInf_Pointer Corresponding:xxx;Instruction:xxx
   int GetOutputData(TargetInf * target);
   int SetSimuStatus(string & SimuStatus);
   int GetSimuStatus(string & SimuStatus);
   int ModelProcess(double dSimuTime);