Research Article

A Column Generation Based Hyper-Heuristic to the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem

Algorithm 1

Generation of all valid potential duties.
(1) Given a bus schedule, a maximum working time of duty , and a required number of pieces ; Set
(2) for all bus vehicles   do
(3)  Select the relief opportunities to generate a set of piece of work
(4)  Find the piece such that the length is shortest (denoted as ) in
(5)  Compute a maximum number of piece
(6) end for
(7) while    do
(8)  for piece of work   do
(9)   for piece of work   do
(10)    ⋯
(11)    for piece of work   do
(12)     if Duty which covers () satisfies the constrains (9)–(13)   then
(13)      Add generated duty to set of duties
(14)      ++++
(15)     end if
(16)    end for
(17)  end for
(18) end for
(19) end while1111eq:eps