Research Article

Residential Environment Induced Preference Heterogeneity for River Ecosystem Service Improvements: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Households in the Wei River Basin, China

Table 2

A typical example of a choice set in the choice experiment.

IndicatorsStatus quoOption 1Option 2

Percentage of forest coverage30%31% (+1%)33% (+3%)
Average water quality level in the river basinLevel 4.5Level 4Level 4.5
Water quantity per person in the basin compared to the national level15%15% (+0%)17% (+2%)
Soil erosion controlling area (percentage)80%90% (+10%)88% (+8%)
Soil erosion intensityModerate (=3)Partially mild (=2)Mild (=1)
Natural landscapes20%30% (+10%)20% (+0%)
Percentage of ecotravel, forest parks25%25% (+0%)35% (+10%)
Cost to your household per year0100 RMB100 RMB
Mark your preferred alternative

Note: water quality level: level 2: relatively clean, can be used for drinking after conventional purification; level 3: can be used for centralized domestic water, fishing water, or swimming water; level 4: can be used for industrial and agricultural water, cannot be used for drinking, swimming, and fishery; level 5: not suitable for any use.