Research Article

Pricing Zero-Coupon Catastrophe Bonds Using EVT with Doubly Stochastic Poisson Arrivals

Table 1

Summary statistics for PCS loss index.

Statistic Value Percentile Value

Sample size260 Min 0.2541
Range458.63 5% 0.5471
Mean8.7048 10% 0.7574
Variance1213.4 25% (Q1) 1.2697
Std. deviation34.834 50% (Median) 2.1332
Coef. of variance4.0017 75% (Q3) 5.0707
Std. error2.1603 90% 11.451
Skewness9.8807 95% 24.0
Excess kurtosis115.24 Max 458.88

Unit: one hundred million dollars.