Research Article

Crash Risk Prediction Model of Lane-Change Behavior on Approaching Intersections

Table 5

The questionnaire for participants.


Part 1 Personal Information

()What’s your gender?  (A): Male; (B): Female
()When were you born?
()How many years have you been driving
()What’s the level of your education?
()Are you a professional driver? (A): Yes; (B): No
()In the last three years of driving (if you’ve been driving that long), have you experienced any traffic accidents?
(A): No; (B): Only property damaged; (C): Have had a slight injury; (D): Have had a serious injury; (E): Have caused a fatality.

Part 2 Driving Characteristics

()Do you tend to go at more than the speed limit if there is no other vehicle interference?  (A): Yes; (B): No
()Do you tend to rapidly accelerate or rapidly decelerate in pursuit of high speed? (A): Yes; (B): No
()Do you tend to accelerate through the dilemma zone?  (A): Yes; (B): No
()Do you tend to closely follow the front vehicle?  (A): Yes; (B): No
()Do you tend to overtake the front vehicle if there is only a small space between you?  (A): Yes; (B): No
()Do you tend to turn on your indicator before you start to change lanes?  (A): Yes; (B): No
()When the adjacent lanes have parallel vehicles, you
(A): Tend to accelerate; (B): Tend to decelerate; (C): Do not respond
()If you need to turn or make a U-turn at the next intersection, you
(A): Give priority to reaching the intersection as soon as possible and then inserting yourself into the target lane; (B): Give priority to changing to the target lane even if you need to queue
()You overtake at the curve (A): Constantly; (B): Occasionally; (C): Never
()When you are turning right, you _____ avoid non-motor vehicles or pedestrians
(A): Generally do not; (B): Occasionally; (C): Usually; (D): Always
()Do you tend to be irritable when you are waiting for a green light or in traffic jams? (A): Yes; (B): No
()When other drivers commit operating errors, you tend toward (A): Anger; (B): Forgiveness
()When the front vehicle is moving at a low speed in the current lane but you can’t change lanes, you tend to
(A): Honk or flash; (B): Just follow
()Near the intersection, you suddenly realize that you are in the wrong lane. You tend to
(A): Brake to change to the lane you want; (B): Make a U-turn at the next intersection
()When parking spaces are limited and there is only one parking space closer to the other side between you and the oncoming vehicle, you tend to
(A): Accelerate to occupy the parking space; (B): Look for another parking space