Research Article

System Dynamics Modelling of Remanufacturing and Recycling Mode Based on Closed-Loop Across-Chain Competition

Table 1

Constants set.


Production Time 12
Demands Adjustment Time 22
Sales Price10
Random Error 10.2
Manufacturers Inventory Adjustment Time 212
Manufacturers Inventory Duration 112
Resales Influence Coefficient0.2
Time Needed for Processing6.5
Effect Degree0.5
Resales Capacity0.3
Testing Time 11
Remanufacturing Capacity 20.36
Delivery Time 11
Production Adjustment Time 22
Transport Time 11
Constants 1, 2, 312
Remanufacturing Delay 148
Retailers Inventory Adjustment Time 112
Retailers Inventory Duration 21.2
Remanufacturing Influence Coefficient 10.3
Processing Capacity0.64
Recycling Delay 248
Resales Delay5
Discarded Delay 110
Remanufacturing Time 11.2
Production Capacity 110

The simulation time length: initial time = 0 weeks, final time = 100 weeks, and time step = 1 week; the simulation cycle is 100 weeks, a week for a step.