Research Article

Chinese Tone Recognition Based on 3D Dynamic Muscle Information

Table 1

The structures and functions of the major muscles.

Muscle nameStructureFunction

Levator labli superiorisFrom the medial infraorbital margin to the skin and muscle of the upper lipElevates the upper lip
Levator anguli orisFrom the canine fossa, below the infraorbital foramenDraws the angle of the mouth
ZygomaticusExtends from the zygomatic arch to the corners of the mouthDraws the angle of the mouth
BuccinatorFrom the alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible and the temporomandibular jointPulls back the angle of the mouth
Orbicularis orisComposed of four independent quadrants, gives an appearance of circularityEncircles the mouth
Depressor anguli orisFrom the tubercle of the mandible to the modiolus of the mouthDepresses the angle of mouth