Research Article

Forecasting Oil Price by Hierarchical Shrinkage in Dynamic Parameter Models

Table 11

Measures of forecast performance for log return of Brent with WTI forecasting.

Constant varianceStochastic variance

Model (h=1)
LASSO on constant and TVPs0.0750.0092.6290.0930.0141.883
LASSO only on constant coeff.0.0630.0073.1310.0800.0112.476
LASSO only on TVPs0.1370.0291.6260.1290.0291.390
TVP regression model0.1150.0221.8910.1110.0211.413
Constant coeff. model0.1140.0221.9120.1120.0211.432

Model (h=12)
LASSO on constant and TVPs0.3330.2020.6120.3880.2650.422
LASSO only on constant coeff.0.3400.1920.5290.4820.4270.419
LASSO only on TVPs0.6420.7320.3080.6960.8590.218
TVP regression model0.6300.7660.2910.6510.8120.208
Constant coeff. model0.6290.7710.2930.6730.8560.204

Note. The value noted in bold and underlined text indicates a model performing the best out of all models, while the bold and italic text represents a model performing the worst. MSFE, MAFE, and MLPL refer to the mean squared forecast error, mean absolute forecast error, and mean log predictive likelihood, respectively.