Research Article

Modeling a Rumor Propagation in Online Social Network: An Optimal Control Approach

Table 1

Rumor model parameters and values.


The proportion of ignorants who become spreaders after discussing with a spreader(0.05/day)
The proportion of ignorants who become spreaders after consulting a page of rumor(0.07/day)
The proportion of ignorants who become spreaders(0.85/day)
The proportion of ignorants who become stiflers(0.15/day)
New users and deactivated users0.08
The proportion of spreaders who become stiflers(0.2/day)
The proportion of spreaders who become stiflers after contacting another spreader(0.005/day)
The rate of shared publications of rumor page by ignorants(0.05/day)
The rate of shared publications of rumor page by spreaders0.1/day
New rumor pages created by spreaders0.4/day