Research Article

A Two-Stage Method for Improving the Prediction Accuracy of Complex Traits by Incorporating Genotype by Environment Interactions in Brassica napus

Table 4

The prediction accuracy (standard deviation, SD) of four methods for OC.

EnvironmentLASSOOLS post-LASSOStratified GBLUPM × E GBLUP

E70.7552 (0.0060)0.8665 (0.0041)0.5956 (0.0075)0.7784 (0.0057)
N30.8239 (0.0043)0.9097 (0.0030)0.6721 (0.0065)0.8514 (0.0033)
N40.7594 (0.0049)0.9153 (0.0027)0.6261 (0.0078)0.8048 (0.0045)
N60.8255 (0.0038)0.9130 (0.0025)0.7300 (0.0055)0.8729 (0.0030)
N70.7625 (0.0073)0.8866 (0.0044)0.5837 (0.0096)0.7859 (0.0065)
S30.8127 (0.0037)0.9175 (0.0021)0.6767 (0.0063)0.8336 (0.0034)
S40.7809 (0.0048)0.9114 (0.0028)0.6600 (0.0068)0.8372 (0.0042)
S50.7189 (0.0065)0.9030 (0.0029)0.5806 (0.0075)0.7990 (0.0040)
S60.7174 (0.0045)0.9037 (0.0028)0.5625 (0.0070)0.7846 (0.0035)
S70.7986 (0.0047)0.9188 (0.0026)0.6741 (0.0059)0.8572 (0.0034)
Average0.7755 (0.0051)0.9045 (0.0030)0.6361 (0.0070)0.8205 (0.0042)

OC, oil content; LASSO, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; OLS, ordinary least squares; GBLUP, genomic best linear unbiased prediction; M × E, marker × environment interaction.