Research Article

Mutation Strategy Based on Step Size and Survival Rate for Evolutionary Programming

Algorithm 2

Algorithm to calculate the absolute value and the non-absolute value of the step size for a population.
(1)DIM/∗Set dimensional size∗/
(2)POPNO/∗Set population size∗/
(3)pop[POPNO 2][DIM]/∗Parents and offspring in present generation∗/
(4)for i: POPNO do
(5) indStepSize = 0;
(6)for j: DIM do
(7)  temp(i, j) = pop[i][j] - pop[POPNO + i][j];/∗Compute single step size for an individual∗/
(8)  indStepSize + = abs(temp(i, j));/∗Compute value of total absolute step size for overall individuals∗/
(9)  indStepSizeRaw + = temp(i, j);/∗Compute value of total step size for overall individuals∗/
(10)end for
(11) popStepSize(POPNO + i) = indStepSize/DIM;/∗Compute mean absolute step size for pop[i]∗/
(12) popStepSizeRaw(POPNO + i) = indStepSizeRaw/DIM;/∗Compute mean non-absolute step size for pop[i]∗/
(13)end for