Review Article

Influencing Factors of Academic Entrepreneurship-Based Knowledge Mapping: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and International Literature

Table 7

Highly cited documents in international countries.

Serial numberHighly cited literatureCited frequencyAuthor

130 years after Bayh-Dole: Reasessing academic entrepreneurship344Rosa Grimaldi
2The nature of academic entrepreneurship in the UK: Widening the focus on entrepreneurial activities144Maria Abreu
3Academic Entrepreneurs: Organizational Change at the Individual Level378Janet Bercovitz
4When Do Scientists Become Entrepreneurs? The Social Structural Antecedents of Commercial Activity in the Academic Life Sciences1329Toby E. Stuart
5Why do academics engage with industry? The entrepreneurial university and individual motivations353PabloD’Este • Markus Perkmann
6Academic engagement and commercialization: A review of the literature on university–industry relations740Markus Perkmanna
7Breaking the Ivory Tower: Academic Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences in UK and Germany128Carolin Haeussler
8University entrepreneurship: a taxonomy of the literature689Frank.T.Rothaermel
9Academic Entrepreneurship: Time for a Rethink?157DonaldS.Siegel and Mike Wright1