Research Article

The Causal Model of Public Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food: An Invariance Analysis

Table 3

Measures used in the study.


Public acceptance (ACC)(ACC1) Would you buy genetically modified food (GMF)?[18, 19, 60]
(ACC2) Would you buy this kind of food if the product trademark indicated that it contained genetically modified ingredients?
(ACC3) Whenever possible, I avoid buying GMF (reversed scoring).
(ACC4) Compared with ordinary food, GMF has a longer shelf life. Would you choose to buy because of this?

Perceived benefits (PEB)(PEB1) Overall, GMF technology is useful to society[54, 56]
(PEB2) Transgenic technology can increase crop yields and feed more people
(PEB3) GMF creates a higher quality of life; it is a great technological advancement
(PEB4) GMFs will eventually be accepted by the majority of people

Perceived risks (PER)(PER1) Overall, GMF can be dangerous to people[54ā€“57]
(PER2) Eating GMF will lead to infertility
(PER3) Eating GMF will change our genes or those of future generations
(PER4) The production of GMF will destroy the diversity of animals and plants

Social trust (SOT)(SOT1) Regulatory agencies[18, 59]
(SOT2) Agricultural corporation
(SOT3) Public research institution in the GMF domain