Research Article

Increasing Minority Recall Support Vector Machine Model for Imbalanced Data Classification

Algorithm 1

Algorithm to increase the recall rate to 1.
Positive margin adjustment using SVM.
Given: a sequence of N examples XTrain and XValidation
Output: G #Output combination classifier
#Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions (KKT) initial alpha
#G-means value
Cp, Cn, k #Positive cost, Negative cost, Positive margin calibration variable
T #the selected running iterations
S #classifier model
RG-means (G) #Obtain the Recall G-means values from G
= 0
= 0
T= 1
Set the 3D grid search range of Cp, Cn, k:
(a)Select optimization variables and and solve the optimization problem using the sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithm to obtain and , and update to .
(b)If the KKT conditions in (16)–(19) are satisfied within the allowable range of precision, , the KKT condition can be used for the next step; otherwise, continue with process (b).
(c)Get .
(d)Finally, is obtained, and and are calculated as follows:
nstruct a classifier model S=
(e)G = sign (S)
(f)-means (G(XValidation)) at a condition recall of 1
(g)If , then
Return Gt