Research Article

A Study of Combinations of Factors in the Marketization of Open Data of Local Governments in China on the Perspective of the Configurations

Table 1

Variables and their measurement methods.

DimensionAbbreviationFull name of the sampleSource of sample dataFetching and calibration

Technological dimensionBusinessBig data trading systemStatistical results of the government or official website publishing policiesProvinces with big data transaction systems take the value of 1, while those without taking the value of 0
PlatformGovernment open data platformThe report of the 2020 second half of China open data indexValues are taken from the report

Organizational dimensionAdministratorGovernment data management authorityStatistical results of the government or official website publishing policiesThe existence of a special government data management authority takes the value of 1, while the absence of it takes the value of 0
HumanThe number of employees in the information transmission services and software industryThe data of China city statistical yearbook 2020Data results are derived from the sum of all municipal data for each province

Environmental dimensionEconomicThe level of regional digital economy development2020 China digital economy development index (DEDI)Values are taken from the report
LocationRegional geographic locationStatistical results of the government or official website publishing policiesThe value of 1 for the provinces or municipalities located in the national big data comprehensive pilot zone, and 0 for the provinces not located in the zone

Outcome variableDataData layer indexThe report of the 2020 second half of China open data indexValues are taken from the report