Research Article

Drivers of Student Entrepreneurial Intention and the Moderating Role of Entrepreneurship Education: Evidence from an Indian University

Table 1

Scale of measurement.

Latent variable (construct name)The scale of measurement (observed variable)Sources

Risk-taking propensitiesRTP-1I Prefer to go with bold actions to venture into the unknownAdapted from Boltan and lane’s individual entrepreneurial orientation questionnaire (IEO)
RTP-2I like to invest my money and time on projects that might provide a higher return
RTP-3I take bold steps in risky conditions
InnovativenessINV-1I often prefer to go for new and uncommon events which are not certainly risky
INV-2I generally focus on unique projects which target unique approaches, instead of focusing on the tried and tested approaches used earlier.
INV-3I Prefer experiments and new approaches to problem-solving
Opportunity recognitionOR-1I observe a lot of opportunities for starting and growing a businessAdapted from Ozgen and Baron [54]
OR-2I have a good sense of new business ideas
OR-3During my daily activities, I find many potential new venture ideas
Need for achievementNFA-1I Consider myself an achiever who always dreams to achieve something big in businessBased on Zaffane [56]; Ryan et al. [57], S. Wu et. al [58]
NFA-2I like to set the targets to achieve them.
NFA-3I generally care about the deadlines of the projects
Entrepreneurial educationEE-1University education can help me in recognizing the entrepreneurial opportunitiesBased on Linen and Chan’s entrepreneurial intention questionnaire (EIQ), (2009) [48]
EE-2University education courses can help me prefer to be an entrepreneur
EE-3University education can help me in developing the required skills and abilities to be an entrepreneur
EE-4University education may help in improving my entrepreneurial intention
Entrepreneurial intentionEI-1I Can do everything for becoming an E-entrepreneur
EI-2My life’s ultimate goal is to be an E-entrepreneur
EI-4I have a determination to start an E-venture in future