Research Article

Impact of Investment Openness on National External Wealth: Based on Valuation Effects Perspective

Table 1

Empirical variable processing methods and data sources.

VariableVariable definitionsProcessing methodData source

Dependent variablenfaChanges in national external wealthAccording to IMF (2005), nfa=va+caEWN database4
vaThe valuation effects, which represent the stock value changes in national external wealthThe valuation effects are divided by dollar-denominated PPP GDPEWN database
caThe current account, which represents the flow value changes in national external wealthThe current account is divided by dollar-denominated PPP GDPOECD database

Independent variableFOThe degree of investment opennessAs noted in Lane and Milesi-Ferretti [35], degree of investment openness is expressed as (FDI and EQ assets + liabilities)/GDP, taken natural logarithmEWN database

Control variablezTechnological innovation shockUse the Cobb–Douglas production function to approximate total factor productivity (TFP), and the relative technological innovation shock is represented as the TFP difference between domestic and foreign countriesOECD database
TRThe degree of trade opennessAs noted in Lv et al. [36], trade openness could be represented as (import of goods and services + export)/GDP, taken natural logarithmOECD database
gdpPer capita GDP (PCGDP)Dollar-denominated per capita PPP GDPOECD database