Research Article

Modelling the Impact of Tourism on Mental Health of Chinese Residents: An Empirical Study

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of variables.

VariableVariable definitionsMeanMaxMinSDN

Life depressionThe sample description “I do not think life can go on” represents the mood variable of “sadness.” Assignment: 1 = the mood lasts 3–7 days; 0 = the mood lasts 0–2 days0.030100.17224015
LntravelThe sample description “per capita tourism expenditure in the family” is the explanatory variable that adopts the logarithmic form.1.30911.2302.63324015
LnmetotalThe sample description “total medical expenses” adopts the logarithmic form.4.46113.0003.39924015
LnincomeThe sample description “all revenues from the work” adopts the logarithmic form.2.30616.1504.24324015
Exercise frequencyThe sample description “frequency of doing exercise” takes week as the computing cycle1.8925002.89424015
Dependency ratio(Elderly population + juvenile population)/labor force population0.287600.54924015
EmploymentThe sample description “current state of work”; assignment 1 = in employment; 0 = out of labor force market0.901100.29924015
Job natureThe sample description “job nature”; assignment 1 = agricultural job; 0 = non-agricultural job0.458100.49824015
AgeThe sample description “age”44.519891614.27124015
SingleThe sample description “single”; the sample assignment is 1.0.103100.30424015
Ever-marriedThe sample description “ever-married”; the sample assignment is 2.0.875100.33024015
CohabitationThe sample description “cohabitation”; the sample assignment is 3.0.004100.06224015
DivorceThe sample description “divorce”; the sample assignment is 4.0.018100.13224015
EducationThe sample description “highest education completed by the interviewee”; from the illiterate to the doctorate, the assignment ranges from 1 to 9.2.706811.39524015

Source: 2016 Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS).