Research Article

Fall Detection and Direction Judgment Based on Posture Estimation

Algorithm 1

Fall detection.
Input: A group of image sequence or video frame sequence
Output: If a fall occurs, the corresponding joint point set is output; otherwise, the output is null.
(1)While  < total sequence length do:
(2) Extract feature maps from ;
(3) Judge the category of anchors through softmax;
(4) Regression proposal;
(5) Unifying feature shapes through ROI pooling;
(6) Get bounding box BBX =  ;
(7) Calculate the joint confidence: ;
(8) Calculate the joint point affinity vector;
(9) Calculation sequence Xi coordinate positions of each joint point, Positions = ;
(10) Filter out the qualified coordinates: Position = ;
(11) If SVM(Position) = = “fall”
(12)  When the human body is in a falling state, return the predicted position;
(13) End if
(14) Else
(15)  Next frame;
(16)End while