Research Article

Tissue Kidney Injury Molecule-1 Expression in the Prediction of Renal Function for Several Years after Kidney Biopsy

Table 4

Results of stepwise multivariate regression analysis with estimated glomerular filtration rate 6 months after biopsy as dependant variable.

ModelUnstandardized coefficientsStandardized coefficients Sig.
BStd. errorBeta

TIN inflammation−15.8784.482−.493−3.542.001
TIN inflammation−11.7634.511−.366−2.607.013
KIM1 tissue percent−.650.259−.353−2.515.016

Dependent variable: eGFR 6.
TIN: tubulointerstitialis; eGFR6: estimated glomerular filtration rate 6 months after biopsy.