Research Article

Pleural Fluid Mesothelin as an Adjunct to the Diagnosis of Pleural Malignant Mesothelioma

Figure 7

Pleural effusion soluble mesothelin concentrations in samples received from patients diagnosed with MM. (a) Mesothelin concentrations plotted relative to the time of diagnosis for MM patients with tumors of different histologies (×) sarcomatoid; (▲) biphasic; and (⚪) epithelial or nonspecified histology. Multiple samples per patient shown (). (b) Mesothelin concentrations plotted relative to the cytopathology report for each specimen. Multiple samples per patient shown (). (c) Mesothelin levels in effusions from 77 individuals with a biopsy confirmation of MM diagnosis. The pathology report for samples was (×) normal or nondiagnostic; (⚪) associated with inflammation or containing immune infiltrating cells; (⋄) atypical or suspicious of malignancy or (◆) MM.