Research Article

Nasal Potential Difference in Cystic Fibrosis considering Severe CFTR Mutations

Table 2

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the cystic fibrosis patients enrolled in the study.

Clinical markers*G1G2 value

Gender (male)521
Race (Caucasian)105
Age (months)210.60 ± 132.01; 146 (87–443)336.40 ± 119.13; 336 (170–480)0.099
Onset of symptoms (months)8.20 ± 15.50; 1 (0–39)3.75 ± 4.86; 1.50 (1–11)0.454
Onset of pulmonary symptoms (months)13.60 ± 22.26; 4 (0–69)4 ± 4.97; 2.50 (0–11)0.539
Onset of digestive symptoms (months)23.70 ± 41.51; 1 (0–120)1 ± 1.41; 1 (0–2)0.758
Diagnosis (months)36.10 ± 47.24; 17 (1–144)99.25 ± 8.50; 185.88 (2–378)1
Body mass index (normal values)930.242
Nasal polyposis (presence)120.242
Diabetes mellitus (presence)20.524
Osteoporosis (presence)120.242
Pancreatic insufficiency (presence)1030.095
Meconium ileus (presence) 30.505
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 640.600
Mucoid P. aeruginosa 440.282
Achromobacter xylosoxidans 20.524
Burkholderia cepacia 311
Staphylococcus aureus 930.242
Weight (kg)41.50 ± 17.51; 36 (21–66)48 ± 16.98; 50 (27–70)0.513
Height (m)1.74 ± 0.43; 2 (1-2)1.50 ± 0.53; 1.50 (1-2)0.594
Body mass index18.54 ± 3.18; 19.95 (14.38–21.60)18.25 ± 2.56; 18.48 (14.34–21.31)0.768
SpO296.10 ± 1.45; 96 (94–98)96 ± 2.31; 96 (94–98)1
Bhalla8 ± 4.74; 7 (0–17)12.50 ± 3.53; 12.50 (10–15)0.327
Kanga19 ± 4.82; 19 (12–25)30.50 ± 20.17; 23.50 (15–60)0.260
Shwachman-Kulczycki68.50 ± 13.34; 65 (50–90)71.67 ± 10.40; 75 (60–80)0.811
FVC91.80 ± 20.02; 87.50 (69–131)70.20 ± 20.17; 63 (57–106)0.028
FEV185.10 ± 22.41; 75.50 (64–132)59 ± 25.40; 60 (30–95)0.055
FEV1/FVC82.60 ± 18.92; 85.50 (37–100)67.75 ± 17.58; 71 (46–83)0.106
%71.40 ± 30.85; 66 (33–118)45.50 ± 24.78; 47.50 (17–70)0.188

The data are shown as (percentage) for the categorical data; the statistical analysis consisted of the test and Fisher’s exact test; the mean ± standard deviation and median (minimum and maximum) values were used for the numerical data that was analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. : number of patients; SpO2: blood oxygen saturation; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in the first second; %: forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of the FVC. G1: cystic fibrosis patients with two class I, II, or III CFTR mutations; G2: cystic fibrosis patients with at least one class IV, V, or V CFTR mutation.