Research Article

Site-Specific Secretome Map Evidences VSMC-Related Markers of Coronary Atherosclerosis Grade and Extent in the Hypercholesterolemic Swine

Figure 1

Morphometric results (panel (a)) and histologic characterization (panels (b)–(i)) of arterial segments used for secretome analysis. Panel (a): average values ± SD of intima to media ratio (IMT) at maximal intimal thickening site in CTRL RCA, HF FA, and HF RCA segments used for secretome analysis ( each). HF RCA versus all other segments. Panels (b)–(i): representative photomicrographs of H&E and Masson’s trichrome stained longitudinal sections of arterial segments: intact (b) or initial type I thickening (c) in typical CTRL RCA and HF FA segments, respectively; HF RCA segments showed preatherosclerotic lesions (HF RCA pre-ATH) classifiable as Stary type I lesion (d), type II fatty streak (e), and type III lesion (f), or atheromas (black arrows, HF RCA ATH segments) classifiable as type IV ((g) and (h)) and as type V fibroatheroma ((i), fibrous cap: asterisk). Low power micrographs, bar = 500 μm, high power insets, bar = 50 μm. I = intima, M = media, A = adventitia.