Review Article

Noncoding Genomics in Gastric Cancer and the Gastric Precancerous Cascade: Pathogenesis and Biomarkers

Figure 2

Higher levels of methylation are observed in gastric mucosae of H. pylori-positive volunteers than in H. pylori-negative volunteers. Methylation levels were measured in the corpus and antrum of 56 H. pylori-negative volunteers and 98 H. pylori-positive volunteers. All the eight CGIs (core region of p16, noncore regions of p16 and THBD; core regions of LOX, HRASLS, FLNc, and HAND1; and p41ARC exonic CGI) showed significantly elevated methylation levels (5.4- to 303-fold) in the H. pylori-positive volunteers. Methylation levels in the corpus were at the same levels as those in the antrum (taken with permission from [61]).