Research Article

Plasma Cathepsin S and Cathepsin S/Cystatin C Ratios Are Potential Biomarkers for COPD

Table 4

Logistic regression analysis for significant emphysematous change (LAA 8.0).

Cathepsin S and LAA 8.0Cat S/Cys C (/103) and LAA 8.0
OR95% CIOR95% CI

Cat S (10 increments)–0.57
Cat S/Cys C (/103)9.830.820.72–0.93
Age (10 increments)5.722.081.14–3.783.760.0521.720.99–2.98
PY (10 increments)1.920.171.090.96–1.240.740.391.050.94–1.19
Serum Cr0.370.540.400.02–7.711.550.210.160.009–2.88
HT (−)0.840.360.580.18–1.860.770.380.600.20–1.87
ICS (−)0.070.790.850.25–2.890.210.650.760.23–2.51

; . LAA: low attenuation area; Cat: cathepsin; Cys: cystatin; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; BMI: body mass index; PY: pack-years; Cr: creatinine; HT: hypertension; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid.