Research Article

Autoantibody Response to ZRF1 and KRR1 SEREX Antigens in Patients with Breast Tumors of Different Histological Types and Grades

Table 4

Frequency of antibody response toward KRR1 and ZRF1 antigens in the sera of breast cancer patients of different tumor grade.

Tumor grade (n: the number of positive sera)Antigens

G1 + G2 ()42,86 20 (7)
G3 ()18,75 (9)18,75 (9)

G1: grade 1 tumor, G2: grade 2 tumor, and G3: grade 3 tumor; n: the number of positive sera; threshold: the mean plus 2 SD in the group of healthy donors. Statistically significant difference compared to G3 tumor grade ().