Research Article

The Effect of Oseltamivir on the Disease Progression of Lethal Influenza A Virus Infection: Plasma Cytokine and miRNA Responses in a Mouse Model

Figure 4

Analysis of circulating miRNA profiles in oseltamivir treated/untreated mice infected with lethal influenza A virus. Heat map of prophylactic [(1000 TCID50) (a)] and therapeutic [(1000 TCID50) (b) and (100 TCID50) (c)] effect of oseltamivir phosphate on the plasma miRNA levels of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) virus infected mice. miRNAs were analyzed from the plasma of virus infected and oseltamivir treated as well as virus alone infected mice from days 1 to 9 after infection. The various shades of red represent miRNAs that were upregulated and the various shades of green represent miRNAs that were downregulated in prophylactic and therapeutic groups, when compared with the virus alone infected group. Statistically significant unique miRNA expression patterns ( and 0.01) from days 1 to 9 after infection were depicted as yellow borders. The heat map depicts the ratio of group averages for drug treated/virus infected alone and the scale of the heat map is 0.1–10.