Research Article

Plasma Fibulin-3 as a Potential Biomarker for Patients with Asbestos-Related Diseases in the Han Population

Table 2

Factors influencing plasma levels of fibulin-3 in univariate and multivariate linear regression models.

Predictor variablesSubcategoryUnivariate modelsMultivariate model#
bSE valuebSE value

Age, y<0.01<0.010.97
Female versus male0.030.030.30
Nonsmoker versus smoker−
Nondrinker versus drinker0.010.060.89
Study groupsPP versus control group0.130.04<0.0010.130.040.002
AE versus control group0.
Asbestosis versus control group0.220.06<0.0010.220.06<0.001
MPM versus control group0.700.08<0.0010.700.08<0.001

The dependent variable was the natural logarithm form of fibulin-3; #estimated with the forward stepwise method; b: regression coefficient; y: years; PP: pleural plaque; MPM: malignant pleural mesothelioma; AE: asbestos-exposed subjects; SE: standard error.