Research Article

Association of ABO Blood Types and Clinicopathological Features of Prostate Cancer

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population according to the risk of PC.

VariablesAll subjects ()Low–middle risk ()High risk () value

Demographic Characteristics
Age (years)70.7 ± 7.970.1 ± 6.670.8 ± 8.20.61
BMI (𝑛 (%))0.231
 <25138 (58.2)29 (67.4)109 (56.2)
 ≥2599 (41.8)14 (32.6)85 (43.8)
Hypertension (𝑛 (%))85 (35.9)13 (30.2)72 (37.1)0.483
Diabetes mellitus (𝑛 (%))37 (15.6)7 (16.3)30 (15.5)0.894
Coronary artery disease (𝑛 (%))38 (16.0)5 (11.6)33 (17.0)0.494
Clinicopathological characteristics
PSA (ng/ml)
 PSA ≤ 100 (ng/ml)30.4 ± 26.310.4 ± 4.938.6 ± 27.1<0.001
 PSA > 100 (𝑛 (%))87 (36.7)0 (0)87 (45.5)<0.001
Gleason score8.1 ± 1.36.4 ± 0.58.5 ± 1.1<0.001
 T112 (5.1)10 (23.3)2 (1.0)
 T2a31 (13.1)15 (34.9)16 (8.2)
 T2b50 (21.1)18 (41.9)32 (16.5)
 T2c34 (14.3)0 (0)34 (17.5)
 T377 (32.5)0 (0)77 (39.7)
 T433 (13.9)0 (0)33 (17.0)
 N0160 (67.5)43 (100)117 (60.3)
 N177 (32.5)0 (0)77 (39.7)
 M0147 (62.0)43 (100)104 (53.6)
 M190 (38)0 (0)90 (46.4)
ABO type, n (%)0.086
 O69 (29.1)19 (27.5)50 (72.5)
 A66 (27.8)9 (13.6)57 (86.4)
 B79 (33.3)13 (16.5)66 (83.5)
 AB23 (9.7)2 (8.7)21 (91.3)
O/non-O group, n (%)0.025
 O69 (29.1)19 (27.5)50 (72.5)
 non-O168 (70.9)24 (14.3)144 (85.7)
Surgery, n (%)
 Radical prostatectomy47 (19.8)19 (44.2)28 (14.4)<0.001
 Bilateral orchiectomy56 (23.6)0 (0)56 (28.9)<0.001

Data are expressed as n (%) or mean ± SD. PC = prostate cancer; BMI = body mass index; PSA = prostate-specific antigen.