Research Article

Validity of a New Kit Measuring Salivary Lactate Dehydrogenase Level for Screening Gingivitis

Table 2

Differences between healthy and gingivitis groups ().

VariableHealthy ()Gingivitis () value

% male22 (36.1)7 (77.8)0.018
Age (year)0.651
Salivary lactate dehydrogenase level4.0 (3.0, 5.0)8.0 (8.0, 8.0)<0.001
Number of natural teeth present0.088
Mean probing pocket depth (mm)<0.001
Bleeding on probing (%)<0.001
Plaque Control Record (%)0.087

Number (%).
Mean ± standard deviation.
Median (25%, 75%).
Fisher’s exact test, Mann–Whitney U test, or unpaired t-test.