Research Article

The Protein Expression of PDL1 Is Highly Correlated with Those of eIF2α and ATF4 in Lung Cancer

Table 2

Protein expressions of subjects with paired samples of both the tumor and normal tissues.

AllAdenocarcinomaSquamous cell carcinoma
Normal tissueTumor tissueNormal tissueTumor tissueNormal tissueTumor tissue

STAT11.49 (0.68–3.46)1.84 (0.55–21.8)[0.06]1.66 (0.8–3.02) {0.13}1.95 (0.55–14.5) {0.53}[0.502]1.09 (0.63–3.46)1.46 (0.83–5.77)[0.69]
IRF12.23 (1.08–4.45)2.32 (0.45–4.38)[0.69]2.25 (1.24–4.45) {0.21}2.40 (0.56–4.38) {0.69}[0.95]1.69 (1.18–2.92)1.69 (0.45–4.35)[0.94]
PDL113.5 (5.87–32.9)12.6 (2.27–36.4)[0.26]13.5 (9.85–32.9) {0.33}13.5 (2.57–21.3) {0.91}[0.30]10.7 (7.11–29.9)11.7 (2.27–36.4)[0.94]
eIF2α4.57 (0.55–7.67)4.81 (1.21–14.7)[0.40]4.64 (2.17–6.51) {0.66}4.99 (2.08–14.7) {0.53}[0.39]4.23 (2.67–7.67)3.75 (1.21–8.11)[1.00]
ATF42.43 (0.83–4.79)2.10 (0.37–5.96)[0.21]2.50 (1.76–4.30) {0.13}2.57 (0.56–3.16) {0.64}[0.39]1.79 (0.97–4.60)1.63 (0.37–5.96)[0.94]
INFAR10.12 (0.02–0.23)0.13 (0.02–0.50)[0.02]0.12 (0.02–0.23) {0.61}0.15 (0.02–0.50) {0.53}[0.02]0.09 (0.02–0.23)0.15 (0.03–0.38)[0.11]
IRF71.30 (0.65–2.26)1.74 (0.17–12.8)[0.003]1.28 (0.90–2.56) {0.13}1.43 (0.17–2.65) {0.001}[0.58]1.03 (0.66–1.94)3.31 (1.65–12.83)[0.03]
STAT26.70 (0.74–10.5)8.54 (3.51–14.0)[0.01]7.36 (0.99–10.5) {0.001}6.74 (3.51–14.0) {0.17}[0.71]3.75 (0.74–7.15)9.74 (4.81–11.7)[0.02]

Data presented as median with range in parenthesis are the ratio of the protein levels of molecules to those of β-actin in arbitrary units. Value in square brackets denotes the value of the difference between the normal and tumor tissues of a specific group. Value in curly brackets denotes the value of the difference between the same type of tissue of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.