Research Article

Prognostic Impact of CEACAM1 in Node-Negative Ovarian Cancer Patients

Figure 3

CEACAM1 protein localization and mRNA isoforms in selected ovarian tumors as detected by immunohistochemistry (a–f) and RT-PCR (g, h). CEACAM1 expression was observed in tumor cells as a mixed pattern of strong membranous staining, mainly within lumen-like structures and a weak cytoplasmic reactivity (a–c). Occasionally, a strong cytoplasmic CEACAM1 expression was observed in single cells or small cell aggregates (d). CEACAM1 staining was also found in lymphocytes (e) and endothelial cells from diverse small tumor-associated capillaries (f). RT-PCR of RNA isolated from ovarian cancer tissue using the oligonucleotides FP49 and BP60 (L-isoforms, upper panel) and FP49 and BP60 (S-isoforms, lower panel). Mainly products corresponding to the 4 (4L and 4S) isoform were amplified, whereas products corresponding to the 3 isoform were very weakly or not detected (g). A triple-primer RT-PCR was performed to quantify the expression ratios of the L and S splice isoforms. In all analyzed tumor tissues, the S isoform was expressed to a higher extent than the L isoform (h).