Research Article

Evaluation of Individual and Combined Markers of Urine Dipstick Parameters and Total Lymphocyte Count as a Substitute for CD4 Count in Low-Resource Communities in Ghana

Table 2

Urine dipstick biochemistry and CD4, TLC, Hb, and WBC categorized by sex.

CharacteristicsTotal ()Male ()Female ()X2, df value

Mean ageb43.09 ± 10.3343.44 ± 9.942.74 ± 10.760.5315
Leucocytesa3.580, 30.3105
Absent100 (50.0%)23 (40.3%)77 (53.8%)
1+28 (28.0%)9 (15.8%)19 (13.3%)
2++48 (48.0%)18 (31.6%)30 (21.0%)
3+++24 (24.0%)7 (12.3%)17 (11.9%)
Leukocyturia100 (50.0%)34 (34.0%)66 (66.0%)
Proteina4.503, 30.2121
Absent97 (48.5%)27 (47.4%)70 (48.9%)
1+27 (13.5%)12 (21.1%)15 (10.5%)
2++51 (25.5%)13 (22.8%)38 (26.6%)
3+++25 (12.5%)5 (8.8%)20 (14.0%)
Proteinuria103 (51.5%)30 (29.1%)73 (70.9%)
Blooda0.6404, 30.8871
Absent91 (45.5%)25 (43.9%)66 (46.1%)
1+27 (13.5%)9 (15.7%)18 (12.6%)
2++57 (28.5%)15 (26.3%)42 (29.4%)
3+++25 (12.5%)8 (14.0%)17 (11.9%)
Hematuria109 (54.5%)32 (29.4%)77 (70.6%)
Mean CD4 (cell/μl)b302.32 ± 32.4273.43 ± 26.8331.21 ± 38.00.1109
Mean TLC (cell/μl)b1166.59 ± 73.71121.83 ± 90.321211.36 ± 57.180.4017
Mean HB (g/dl)b7.32 ± 1.647.12 ± 1.857.52 ± 1.430.1992
Mean WBC (×109)b2.36 ± 0.472.318 ± 0.512.403 ± 0.440.3629

Values are presented as mean ± SD and frequency (percentages). TLC: total lymphocyte count; Hb: hemoglobin; WBC: white blood cell. aChi-square test; bStudent’s t-test.