Review Article

Circulating Noncoding RNAs Have a Promising Future Acting as Novel Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer

Table 2

Panels of circulating miRNAs as diagnostic and early screening biomarkers for CRC.

Panel of ncRNABody fluidNumber of ncRNAsNumbers of patientsNumbers of controlsAUCSensitivitySpecificityReference

miR-21↑, let-7g↑, miR-31↓, miR-92a↓, miR-181b↓, miR-203↓Serum6113890.923[81]
miR-19a↑, miR-19b↑, miR-15b↑Plasma363730.8478.57%79.25%[78]
miR-409-3p↑, miR-7↓, miR-93↓Plasma31241170.89782%89%[32]
miR-29c↓, miR-122↑, miR-192↓, miR-374a↓Plasma455550.98 (discriminate CRC from CAA)[79]
lnc-CCAT1↑, lnc-HOTAIR↑Plasma232320.954[82]
lnc-LOC285194↑, lnc-RP11-462C24.1↑, lnc-Nbla12061↑Serum371700.79368.33%86.89%[37]
lnc-BANCR↑, lnc-NR-026817↓, lnc-NR-029373↓, lnc-NR-034119↓Serum42402400.88189.17%75.83%[35]

Note: ↑, upregulated; ↓, downregulated; —, not mentioned. CAA, colorectal advanced adenoma; CCAT1, colon cancer-associated transcript 1; HOTAIR, HOX transcript antisense intergenic RNA; BANCR, BRAF-activated noncoding RNA.