Research Article

Altered Levels of mRNAs for Calcium-Binding/Associated Proteins, Annexin A1, S100A4, and TMEM64, in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Are Associated with Osteoporosis

Figure 1

Relative levels of mRNAs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells associated with osteoporosis. Levels of mRNAs encoding annexin A1 (a, d, g), TMEM64 (b, e, h), and S100A4 (c, f, i) proteins were determined in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell preparations of nonosteoporotic control subjects and patients suffering from osteopenia or osteoporosis shown as box and whisker plots. The levels are shown for all participants (a, b, c), for participants who were not receiving treatment for osteoporosis (d, e, f), and for participants who were not suffering from other disorders (g, h, i). On each box and whisker plot, the black diamond shows the median value, the cross shows the mean value, and white and black circles denote outliers of 1.5 times and 3 times the interquartile range, respectively.