Research Article

Transcriptome Analysis of Hypertrophic Heart Tissues from Murine Transverse Aortic Constriction and Human Aortic Stenosis Reveals Key Genes and Transcription Factors Involved in Cardiac Remodeling Induced by Mechanical Stress

Table 2

GO items of the 16 shared DEGs with the same trends during the late stage of cardiac remodeling.

TermCount% valueGenes

GO:0071260~cellular response to mechanical stimulus425NPPB, COL1A1, ANKRD1, NPPA
GO:0071560~cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus318.75POSTN, COL1A1, ANKRD1
GO:0035582~sequestering of BMP in extracellular matrix212.5NBL1, FBN1
GO:0071356~cellular response to tumor necrosis factor318.75POSTN, COL1A1, ANKRD1
GO:0030308~negative regulation of cell growth318.75NPPB, FLCN, NPPA
GO:0007168~receptor guanylyl cyclase signaling pathway212.5NPPB, NPPA
GO:0061049~cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development212.5NPPB, NPPA
GO:0001666~response to hypoxia318.75NPPB, POSTN, NPPA
GO:0003085~negative regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure212.5NPPB, NPPA
GO:0006182~cGMP biosynthetic process212.5NPPB, NPPA