Research Article

Comparing MicroRNA Profilings of Purified HER-2-Negative and HER-2-Positive Cells Validates miR-362-5p/Sema3A as Characteristic Molecular Change in Triple-Negative Breast Cancers

Figure 3

Bioinformatics analysis of microRNA and target gene prediction. (a) Functional annotations of the predicted target genes. Significant GO terms of microRNA targets. The vertical axis represents GO category and the horizontal axis represents the negative logarithm of value (-log value), which indicates the significant level of GOs. (b) Pathway analysis via KEGG. The vertical axis is the pathway category, and the horizontal axis is the negative logarithm of value (-log ) that represents the significant level of pathways. (c) GO gene network analysis. The circle represents the gene and the shape of the square represents microRNA, and their relationship was represented by one edge.