Research Article

Targeting INHBA in Ovarian Cancer Cells Suppresses Cancer Xenograft Growth by Attenuating Stromal Fibroblast Activation

Figure 3

INHBA blockade in SKOV3 does not significantly inhibit cellular growth ability in vitro. (a) INHBA expression levels were measured by western blotting in 4 different human SOC cell lines. (b, c) The mRNA expression and protein expression of INHBA of SKOV3 cells in the absence or presence of si-INHBA. (d) Representative fluorescent images and statistical analysis of the relative number of Ki-67-labeled SKOV3 in the absence or presence of si-INHBA. (e) Representative images and statistical analysis of clonal formation ability of SKOV3 in the absence or presence of si-INHBA. (f) Cell counting assays detecting relative cell numbers of SKOV3 in the control or si-INHBA groups for various duration (1-4 days). Data are expressed as , ; ; .