Research Article

Targeting INHBA in Ovarian Cancer Cells Suppresses Cancer Xenograft Growth by Attenuating Stromal Fibroblast Activation

Figure 6

The Smad2 signaling pathway is involved in INHBA-induced fibroblast activation. (a) Immunoblotting showed that activin A or CM from SKOV3 increased the expression of p-Smad2 in fibroblast. GAPDH served as loading control. (b, c) SB431542 reduced the elevation of p-Smad2, FAP, α-SMA, and FSP1 expression in fibroblasts caused by activin A or CM from SKOV3. GAPDH served as loading control. (d) In MRC5 and primary NOFs, SB431542 suppressed the α-SMA increase and cytoskeletal stretch caused by CM from SKOV3. (e) SB431542 reversed the increased ability of fibroblasts to contract ECM caused by CM from SKOV3. Data are expressed as , ; ; .